
Posts Tagged ‘proclamation’

Riot and Rebellion Against Truth

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Acts 19:30-41

Horatio Seymour, was twice the Democratic governor of New York (1853-54, 1863-64). The Democrats even nominated Seymour as their presidential candidate in 1868, but he lost to Ulysses S. Grant. He is best known for his assertion that the Emancipation Proclamation was illegal. He also opposed military draft by the federal government saying it was an unwarranted violation of states’ rights and claimed that the draft law discriminated against New York City. In July 1863, during the Draft Riots in the city, Seymour made a conciliatory speech that led Horace Greeley to denounce him as a Copperhead (a Southern sympathizer), a charge that contributed greatly to his defeat for reelection. The things he opposed are accepted as necessary and true today. We may wonder about people that seem to always be on the opposing side to the stream of society truth and yet we see the same evidenced as people continually take a stance against God’s Word. Today as I traveled I was horrified to hear a radio advertisement paid for by an “Adult” bookstore describing their smutty videos and DVDs. Later I heard a radio announcer sneering as she told how a Jewish radio talk host had protested against certain magazines in a sporting goods store. People strike out at truth daily and yet it will continue to prevail.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

Transformed Living

July 21st, 2009 No comments

1 Cor. 6:9-20 (20)

When something or someone is transformed they are radically altered. I remember it well. We were enjoying the fiery message as Ernie Trotter the Irish evangelist preached to the crowd during General Camp and Overland Park, Kansas. The atmosphere was intense as we listened carefully to his proclamation of the gospel. Then it happened. We heard a unexpected and startling explosion and immediately the auditorium lights went out.

Later we discovered that an electric transformer on the campus at Kansas City College and Bible School had exploded. Businesses and residences were effected all around. Why? When something or someone is transformed they are radically altered. The mega amounts of electric current passed through the transformer and were altered so that homes could be lighted, electric ranges and ovens could operate, alarm clocks and other appliances could function. Without the transforming radically changing source they were useless.

When we come to God He radically transforms our lives. When we are born again we are forgiven, our guilt disappears, our status changes, our habits, desires and purposes are radically altered. When we are entirely sanctified the great Transformer infuses us with holy power, boldness and strength for purity and service. Has your life been radically altered by the great Transformer?

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News