Someone has said, “Generally speaking the most difficult time for spiritual well being in a lady’s walk with God is during the time when she has children under three years of age.” Babies and toddlers are high maintenance little gems. It would be easy for a young lady to think, “What is the use? Why even go to church? I can’t hear what is going on. It is too difficult to keep my little child quiet.”
Cornerstone has a nursery with a large window looking into the sanctuary. It is comfortably equipped with rocking chairs so you can rock your baby while you listen to the service in the quiet of the nursery. It has places for the children to sleep, toys to occupy their active minds, and a restroom for any necessary cleanup.
Young mothers, we realize your importance in the kingdom of God and we want to do all that we can to help you maintain a vibrant relationship with God. This is just one of the ways that we are endeavoring to meet your needs. If you see other ways that we might assist you during this important time in your life please let us know.