Matt 13:18-23 (18)
The underlying truth is that even though we are faithful to present the gospel to the world all people will not be ready to receive it at the same time. In addition to our varying receptivity to the Word, however, is the fact that various things militate against our reception. In the first case, the devil is hindering by removing it from their attention while they still do not understand. In the second instance, the individual does not correctly understand that he will have opposing circumstances in the Christian life and quickly gives up his faith. Others are so entangled with the every day activities of life that they don’t have time to take care of their spiritual life and soon shrivel up and die. Finally, some see how precious the gift of salvation really is. They guard it carefully and continually work to develop their relationship with Jesus Christ.
High in the Alps is a monument raised in honor of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist. Inscribed on that memorial stone are these words: HE DIED CLIMBING. Because of this same type of determination it is the one who is receptive to the gospel that will succeed in the Christian faith.
Dr. Gayle Woods
Ex 32:30-35 (32)
Great Christian leaders are people who know the power of prayer. Those who have been able to motivate intercessors are doubly blessed. Charles G. Finney, one of the most effective evangelists of the last century, met Daniel Nash early in his ministry. Father Nash, as he was called, became Finney’s personal intercessor and would frequently travel with him and pray while Finney preached.
John Hyde, missionary, and known as praying John Hyde had a dual ministry. He interceded for the lost but also had the gift of personal evangelism. What a combination! He would pray for a certain number of people to be saved. That day he would go out to lead them to the Lord.
One of Billy Graham’s prayer partners is Pearl Goode. Graham attributes much of the evangelistic power of his ministry to this faithful intercessor. Face it, Graham is not a very good preacher. Is he an effective preacher? Do many people respond to his invitations? Why are the simple sermons that Billy Graham preaches so powerful? He has an intercessor behind the scenes.
Oh that God would give every pastor, missionary, Christian leader, Bible school administrator and teacher their own personal intercessor! No question exists in the minds of those who have experienced it; committed, faithful intercession brings increased spiritual power to Christian ministries.
Dr. Gayle Woods