
Posts Tagged ‘Youth’

The Joy of Right Relationships

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psa 51:10-13 (12)

I never will forget that service at Harmony Hill Youth Camp. I had fasted all week praying that God would save my youngest son. A wall was between us. We lived together but didn’t communicate. We were both miserable about the same thing but for different reasons. I couldn’t understand the problem and he wouldn’t talk about it. The evangelist had just preached about “Honoring your Father and Mother.” We were standing. And invitation was in progress. Then I saw my son leave his chair and head for the aisle. I prayed that he would go forward to be saved . . . I prayed that he would not leave the service in total rejection of God. My prayer was interrupted when I sensed his presence. I looked up in time to see him throwing his arms around my neck. We wept together and rejoiced together as he asked me to forgive him. We freely expressed our love for each other. In just a small way this compares to the restoration and reconciliation that takes place when we come to God seeking His forgiveness. It truly is joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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