
Posts Tagged ‘work’

Basic Motivational Axioms in My Life

June 8th, 2012 No comments

Think Big – My God is Big. Why should I think small?

Look Far – My God doesn’t react to circumstances. He is into planning eternities.

Expect Much – My God likes to give largely to His people.

Average is Unacceptable – My example is God. When He does something it is always good.

Status Quo is Bad – My God is a God who Acts. He is never idle.

Provision often indicates Divine purpose – When God provides He has a purpose. My God takes care of His work. Normally He takes care of His work by using His people to gain glory for Himself.

By Dr. Gayle Woods


Categories: News

Making Work More Rewarding

September 5th, 2010 No comments

Making Work More Rewarding


2 Thessalonians 3:1-18


[stream flv=x:/ Work More Rewarding LQ.flv width=425 height=283 img=x:/ Work More Rewarding.JPG bandwidth=high hd=x:/ Work More Rewarding HQ.flv title=Making Work More Rewarding=imeo /]


Delivered on September 5, 2010 by  Pastor Jon

Categories: News