
Posts Tagged ‘Ram’

Praise His Name Continually

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psalm 113:1-3 (2)

I sat in the Los Angeles Ram’s stadium. I was awed by the excitement of worship that permeated the atmosphere. Sixty-five thousand men had sung praises to God in beautiful harmony. Sixty-five thousand men had lifted their voices to God in prayer. Sixty-five thousand men had pored over their open Bibles in serious study of God’s Word. Sixty-five thousand men had listened intently to one invigorating and challenging message after another throughout the day.

Now we were in a time of intermission between services. Approximately thirty-three thousand men on one half of the stadium shouted out “We love Jesus. Yes, we do.” Hardly had the sound of the multitude crossed the stadium until thirty-three thousand men on the other side of the stadium responded in like manner.

This thrilling act of worship and love made me think of those in heaven prostrate before the throne crying out continuously “Holy, Holy, Holy.” The Hebrew word for praise in itself expresses this same idea. It means to boast, to be clamorously foolish in our raving, to celebrate, to rage, to give glory.

We know that our best descriptions of God are pitifully lacking. Just seeing our Lord will surely bring continuous ravings of glorious celebration to our lips as we join the millions of the blood washed throng in praise to our King.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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