
Posts Tagged ‘prayer meeting’

Works a Pattern

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Titus 2:6-10 (7) … “In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works…”

I was amazed. It was work day … the first work day since I had come to pastor the church. The place was crawling with people carrying ladders, paint brushes, electric drills and hammers. Why wasn’t this “normal” in other places. Why wasn’t this like other places where the pastor and one or two others turn up for work day? Dan.

Again and again I was impressed with the man. He was extremely active in the church. Although he had a family with small children he seemed to be untiring in his service. He worked a long distance from his residence and therefore each day was a long work day. Even at that Dan Merkley was consistent in his attendance to prayer meeting services. Usually he did not have time to go home before he came to church, so his family would meet him at church. He led singing, was active in the special church programs and was diligent to reach others in the community. As the chairman of the church he took his job seriously. He carried a long to do list with him at all times. He was faithful in his service as he thought ahead planning how to help the congregation be a church … a light in the darkness.

If I were to look for a pattern for good works of service for Jesus Christ I would look to Dan.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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