
Posts Tagged ‘pepper’

An Example of Separation

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Heb 7:25-28 (26)

Our attention was riveted on our friend who claimed strange magical powers. Before us on the table was a saucer. Our magical had just poured water into the saucer. After that he picked up the pepper shaker and proceeded to dash pepper on the water. His claim was that he was going to cause the pepper to quickly move to the outside of the saucer. We watched breathlessly. Reaching for a bottle of dish washing detergent he proved his point by letting a drop of the detergent fall into the middle of the pepper. It was as if a magnet surrounded the saucer and each grain of pepper was a metal shaving. As soon as the little drop of detergent touched the water the pepper fled to the outskirts of the saucer leaving a clear pool of water in the center.

This is what happens in the life made holy. The same God who told the people to be a separate people said that when we are made holy that, “Old things are passed away…” We are told to “avoid the very appearance of evil.” Our flight from the sin and sinful practices of the world should be radical and rapid. If we are truly holy the flight of the world from us will be just as swift and sure.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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