
Posts Tagged ‘order’

People Pressure

December 31st, 2009 No comments

Acts 24:24‑27 (27)

Peer pressure is defined by as social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.  It exists for all ages.  By itself it is neither negative or positive.  In study after study of adolescents, however, peer pressure is connected to at-risk behaviors such as cigarette smoking, truancy, drug use, sexual activity, fighting, shoplifting, and daredevil stunts.  Peer pressure may cause one person to strive to achieve excellence in the work place while it will bring another to embezzle funds from their company or become involved in an illicit affair with a co-worker.  White collar, blue collar, clergy collar, or dirty collar, it makes no difference. People are influenced by others.  We all have choices to make.  Whether you are Pontius Pilate, Felix, or Miss. California Carrie PreJean you will face pressure from friend and foe to make decisions for which you alone will be responsible.  Knowing that we are vulnerable because of the opinions of significant people it underscores the importance of the careful choice of influencers in our lives.  Proverbs 12:26 says that, “A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”

by Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

What’s A Million?

December 31st, 2009 No comments

Matthew 19:16‑22 (22)

He drove me down the streets of the exquisitely exclusive neighborhood in one of his new BMWs.  He showed me the streets that were named for his children.  He told me of his investments.  He made sure that I felt insignificant by telling me how with his doctorate he had gained fortunate and notoriety. He assured me that now that I had my doctorate I should go back to school and get a doctorate that would make me some money. He scoffed when I made mention that there must be a lot of millionaires in that neighborhood in order to own the houses I admired.  “What’s a million,” he said and drove into the drive of his palatial property.

I have often thought of that visit with my friend.  And yet I can’t block out memories of the time I met the same man in an expensive hotel so that he couldn’t unburden his heartache.  He had lost his wife, his children were not turning out as he had planned, and the story of hurt continued.  The saddest part of this story is that this man was the son of a holiness preacher, knew God’s desire for his life and yet chose prestige, property, possession and popularity instead.  He had it all and yet he had nothing.  True value isn’t preceded by a dollar sign.

by Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News