
Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Omar E’

Faithfulness in Doctrine

July 21st, 2009 No comments

2 Tim 2:12-19 (15)

Some people, somehow demand respect in their humility. Dr. Omar Lee is such a man. He earned this respect in classroom and pulpit. I and many of his other ministerial students who sat in his classes at Kansas City College and Bible School hold him in high esteem. One reason this is the case is that he is not only a man of God but he is also a man of the Word. Students, pastors and lay people naturally turn to men like Dr. Lee when in question about a matter of Scripture or doctrine. His tremendous knowledge of the Word and his orthodoxy regarding doctrine would not be impressive, however, if it wasn’t for the fact that he has been unchangeable in his belief and teaching. As a reference point in the lives of many who have wavered he has always been dependable. While others were swayed he has remained firm. He has studied and has shown himself to be approved unto God. He is a workman of the Word which is not ashamed. He rightly divides the truth. His faithfulness in doctrine has been the needed anchor to many who have not been as strong. The holiness movement must have more men like Dr. Omar E. Lee.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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