
Posts Tagged ‘crown of glory’

Total Devotion

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Isa 62:1-5 (3) “Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.”

Before Merlin became the advisor to King Arthur, he led a war band throughout Briton in an effort to free them from the marauding bands of barbarians. During this time he met the illegitimate son of a neighboring king. The young man was the shame of his father and wished to be free from the bondage he felt.

When he met Merlin there was a natural affinity that often occurs. He bowed before Merlin and asked that he be permitted to be Merlin’s servant. At his insistence, Merlin asked the king to grant him the young man as a gift.

The king was happy to be rid of the shame in his life. From that day Pelleas was closer to Merlin than a brother.

Later, Merlin married. When his wife was soon to have a child he allowed her to travel to her father’s castle. He and his warband would follow a short time later.

Unknown to Merlin a large army of barbarians was roving the area. When they saw her group arriving they attacked the group, abusing, torturing and killing all of them.

When Merlin came upon the body of his mutilated wife he went crazy. He led his warband in a reckless battle against the barbarians. It was a slaughter. Still crazed in his grief he disappeared. He was not seen for many years.

Pelleas did not cease to search for him. Day after day he searched. He crisscrossed the country looking for his friend. Finally, he was rewarded for his diligence when he found Merlin, just healed by God but still wearing the rags of his hermitage.

This kind of loyalty and devotion illustrates what God desires of His people. We are to be totally given to Him. His our life, our breath, our being.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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