
Posts Tagged ‘christmas day’

Jehovah Jireh (Will Provide)

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Gen 22:5-14 (14)

I was fascinated as the ranching couple told of the miraculous hand of God that had blessed their lives. On one occasion they leased some drills on a buy/lease program. After several years they could buy the drills for the salvage price. They needed the drills in order to plant their seed. Unfortunately they did not have money to buy the drills.

First, they asked for time to raise the money. As the deadline neared they still had no money to buy the drills. Finally they had to allow the drills to be repossessed.

The men who came to pick up the drills were invited in for coffee before loading the truck. While they visited, a neighboring rancher walked into the house. He said, “I see that you are busy so I won’t stay. I just needed to buy some of your seed. I know how much I need and will load it myself.” He wrote a check for the seed and left it lying on the counter top.

When the rancher picked up the check he saw that the check was written for the exact amount that was needed to pay off the drills. God had provided in time with the correct amount to meet the need.

God has a reputation for taking care of His people. This is what caused Him to send His only Son to try on human flesh that first Christmas day. He came to provide. God has done so well in taking care of us that His people at times called Him, Jehovah Jireh (God will Provide).

Dr. Gayle Woods

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