
Posts Tagged ‘blood of jesus’

A Plea for Revival

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psa 85:1-13

In a seminary class entitled “Revivalism” we conducted research on the movement of the Holy Spirit in awakenings among the Christian people. The subject matter was fascinating. The variety, the spontaneity, the powerfulness of these times was exciting. The personalities involved were glamorous. The astounding thing that surfaced during this time of research, however, was that it appeared that revivals seem to come in cycles of seventy-five years. As we plotted not just meetings but awakenings of various intensity it seemed that the pattern held true for the most part. Every seventy-five years in some part of the world a spiritual awakening was in progress. This is not to say that the Holy Spirit would not be willing to keep His people stirred to a red hot heat with revival fervor. It is to say that in the frailty of our humanity, and in an environment of depravity the human race has to learn and re-learn its intense need for God. Another thing that surfaced during this research complimented this thought. Each period of revival was preceded by a prolonged period of intercessory prayer by a group of people who were sick of sin and desired to feel the flame of God’s presence once again. Revival, drift, apathy, apostasy, destitution, repentance, revival seems to be the cycle that we follow. Where are we now in this cycle? Can we skip a step or two in the cycle if some of us get serious and begin to plead the blood of Jesus Christ for a revival of spirituality? I believe so.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

Where do I find God?

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psalm 73:28 – “But it is good for me to draw near to God…”

Adam and Eve walked in the garden with God. Enoch walked with God. We are encouraged in the Bible to walk with God. 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth; us from all sin.” I find God wherever I am obedient to Him. When I live close to Him I sense the intensity of the relationship.

I do have favorite times and places to communicate with God. I prefer to speak to Him at length in the quiet of the early morning. At other times I enjoy talking to Him as I walk along or when I am in the solitude of my car driving down the highway. Of course, there are the short conversations we have when things are not going well. It doesn’t take long to tell Him what my problem is and then return to the task at hand. On those occasions I don’t wait for an answer for I know that He will bring the answer to me when He chooses it is best.

Where and when I find God are not nearly as important, however, as whether I find God. The finding is not His obligation but mine. It is my desire to keep close to Him. I want to walk with Him continually as did Enoch. I must daily make this choice.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News