Romans 15:1-6 (5)
Cleo could be so frustrating! He was saved from sins that were even considered socially disgusting. He and his family all came to God. It pumped new life into our church. We saw redemptive lift in action as a family was literally lifted from the gutter to a place of acceptance and respect. But then . . .
Cleo could be so frustrating! He got a job. But he squandered his money and was destitute most of the time. He quit his habits to the amazements of his friends. He returned to his habits repeatedly to the pleasure of his friends.
Cleo and Bobbie were in love with Jesus and were learning how to be Christians. When I and the church people felt at times like giving them an ultimatum . . . “shape up or ship out” we refrained. When we felt like withholding a helping hand we instead smiled in pain as we lifted them up once again. Raising children is sometimes a painful process. Paul reminded us in Romans 15:1 that the “strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” As we are patient with those struggling to grow in Christ it will help us to remember “the God of patience and consolation” vs. 5 was considerate of us as well.
Dr. Gayle Woods
Matthew 9:16-17
Resolutions? Change? What is there about a new year that makes us think that something is changing? What makes us think that we will change? We make promises to ourselves that we are going to alter our behavior believing that something magically is different this time. We long for change of significance. Will the change actually take place?
Actually when we go from December 31 into January 1 of the next year we are just going from one minute to the next, one hour to the next, one day to the next. What is changing? Yes, we hang a new calendar on the wall but what has changed? We write a different year on our checks and appointment books but what really has changed?
For real change to take place in your heart and life you need to forget about the new year, the clock and the calendar. Instead realize that change of significance can take place in your life only when you determine to submit completely to God. He will guide you through the process of change that is important to your present and future. Change of significance can take place only as you determine to obey God as He reveals His will and His way through His Word.
So, if you want change of significance to take place in your life stop determining what you want to happen. Stop looking for a formula or a magical time when your desired change will effortlessly come to pass. Rather, look to Jesus and prostrate your will before Him in humble submission seeking His desire for your life.
Dr. Gayle Woods