
Posts Tagged ‘Period’

A Plea for Revival

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psa 85:1-13

In a seminary class entitled “Revivalism” we conducted research on the movement of the Holy Spirit in awakenings among the Christian people. The subject matter was fascinating. The variety, the spontaneity, the powerfulness of these times was exciting. The personalities involved were glamorous. The astounding thing that surfaced during this time of research, however, was that it appeared that revivals seem to come in cycles of seventy-five years. As we plotted not just meetings but awakenings of various intensity it seemed that the pattern held true for the most part. Every seventy-five years in some part of the world a spiritual awakening was in progress. This is not to say that the Holy Spirit would not be willing to keep His people stirred to a red hot heat with revival fervor. It is to say that in the frailty of our humanity, and in an environment of depravity the human race has to learn and re-learn its intense need for God. Another thing that surfaced during this research complimented this thought. Each period of revival was preceded by a prolonged period of intercessory prayer by a group of people who were sick of sin and desired to feel the flame of God’s presence once again. Revival, drift, apathy, apostasy, destitution, repentance, revival seems to be the cycle that we follow. Where are we now in this cycle? Can we skip a step or two in the cycle if some of us get serious and begin to plead the blood of Jesus Christ for a revival of spirituality? I believe so.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

Faithfulness in Persecution

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Acts 4:23-30 (24)

In our affluent society it is difficult to find a person who has been truly persecuted for Christ’s sake. We are pampered and spoiled. Our view of the Tribulation Period is probably skewed because we have not run in terror from the Secret Police. We have a filtered mental image of trial because we have not been deprived of the necessities of life by heartless and cruel rulers. And yet I have met a few people who have gone through times of hardship and persecution even though it may have been brief. One of those men whom I highly admire is Rev. Leland Trussell. As missionary to Bolivia he sought to spread the gospel message to an unreached area in Cochabamba. There he was threatened with bodily harm and finally had to leave because of the severity of the persecution. He remained in Bolivia and continued to work faithful in another location, however, and saw a very fruitful ministry. The happy ending to this story is that the work he attempted to begin was not lost. Years later his son and daughter both served as missionaries to Bolivia. Through their faithful efforts a work that their father strived to open was finally blessed of God. Thank God for pace setters who have a backbone so strong that it won’t allow them to waver in their commitment and service for God.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News