
Posts Tagged ‘manner’

The Greatness of God

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Job 38:4-8, 22-29; 42:1-3

No person has lived without wondering how all that is created came into existence. Job’s description may seem simplistic to the sophisticated. It is a statement of fact and of faith. The Christian knows that it is an inspired and accurate record of actuality. Even those who are Christians will at times tamper with the sacred truth of God’s creation.

Job is considered to be the oldest book of the Old Testament. It is interesting, therefore, to notice his apologetic for the creation of the earth and all other creation by God. In a poetic manner the author chides the reader reminding him that God has been here much longer that the oldest of creation and is actually the author of all that “lives, or moves, or has its being.” He says, “Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?” The word for foundation is musada. Its primary meaning is “to found or to fix firmly” and it came to mean foundation. At times it is translated “to establish.” It means in a metaphorical sense, “that which cannot be moved.”

In addition the question is asked, “Who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest?” The Hebrew word for measure is madad. It occurs fifty-three times and refers to measuring lengths or distances. Does God have a big tape measure by which he measures the size of the earth, stars and planets? No. The word is used in a symbolic manner to refer to the careful and correct design of God’s creation. God measures the oceans of the earth (Isa 40:12), the multitudes of future Israelites (Hos 1:10), the stars of heaven (Jer 33:22; 31:27), the territories of the earth for His chosen people (Psa 60:6), and the people that He will judge (Hab 3:6). Thus this term turns from the picture of a measuring rod or rule to that of a calculator but all the while refers to His exact knowledge of His creation and His supervision of the same.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

The Excellence of Wisdom

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Proverbs 8:11-23; 9:10-12

Verse 13 says that if we are going to properly show our reverence to the Lord we must hate evil. In order that there is no mistake concerning what evil is, God tells us what He hates. Four designations are listed: pride, arrogancy the evil way, and the froward mouth. To understand more clearly how we may best reverence the Lord we need to look at the meaning of these words.

Pride (gay-aw) and arrogancy (gaown) both come from the same root word. The root word means “to rise.” It occurs seven times in the Old Testament. It is translated as “triumphed gloriously,” “column”, and “raging.”

Pride (gay-aw) is used only in this verse. It and its synonyms, however, can have either in a positive or a negative sense. Positively it is used to speak of the land of Israel in terms of excellency. This is always the case when the relationship with God is satisfactory. At times it takes on the meaning of majesty or majestic. Pride often describes Gods character. In a negative sense, it is used by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, David, Solomon and Job. Fifty-three times these six writers use it to describe the Moabites, Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, and backslidden Israel. The harshest words are directed toward Israel when it is charged for being arrogant, cynical, presumptious, and insensitive to the needs of others. It is both a disposition and a conduct. Used negatively, pride is always striking out in rebellion against God.

Arrogancy (gaown) is always used in a negative sense and means pomp, pride, proud and swelling. The arrogant person is the self-sufficient one who does not need God and in manner if not in speech makes that fact evident.

The Evil (rah) Way (deh-rek) is the third thing that God hates. Evil (rah) is translated adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, displeasure, distress, harm, hurtful, mischievous, misery, naughty, noisome, sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked, wretchedness, and wrong. The Way (deh-rek) that it modifies means a way, road, journey, manner, or work. It is related to the verb (dorak) which means “to tread or trample.” Therefore it refers to a way or manner of life that is used constantly. Sometimes it refers to a major highway. At other times it speaks of duration. More often, however, it centers on the actions and behavior of people who either follow the way of God or the way of wickedness. From these we can see that he is speaking of a life that is continually given over to sinfulness.

Lastly, God hates the Froward (tah-poo-kaw) Mouth (peh). Froward (tah-poo-kaw) means that which is perverse or a fraud. Mouth (peh) on the other hand means “speech.” The meaning then is rather obvious. This is not surprising since we know that God has underscored the fact that all liars will go to hell. He is the essence of Truth and the Froward Mouth is His anti-thesis. (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament)

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News