
Posts Tagged ‘heir’

“The Slave turned Son”

March 28th, 2011 No comments

Galatians 4:6

Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

The idea of slavery is a concept that though understood is foreign to our experience. Total submission and commitment were demanded of a slave. A slave was property rather than a person. He was at the mercy of his master. He was completely disposable. If age, sickness, weakness, or disobedience became a source of irritation to the slave owner, the master would not hesitate to sell or take the life of his slave.

There have been cases, however, where slaves have been freed by their masters. Although it has not been a common occurrence, some have even been adopted into the master’s family. In the Roman culture if a slave was adopted it meant that he became a citizen, his debts were paid, his family alliance was changed, and he became an heir to the master’s wealth. He was no longer a slave. He was now a son.

This is what takes place when we are delivered from the slavery of sinfulness. We become a citizen of heaven, the judgment of sin against us is cancelled, our allegiances to our former life and associations are changed, and we become a joint heir with the Son of God. We are no longer slaves but children of God.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

God’s Gift

July 21st, 2009 No comments

John 4:7-(10)

While constructing a new stairway at our house I ordered a dumpster so we could dispose of the old concrete. The transaction was made. I agreed to the price. When the job was complete the company picked up the dumpster and I paid the bill. To my surprise I received another bill a few weeks later for almost twice the amount of the price I had agreed to pay. I called to question the account. I was told that I was being assessed an overweight charge. I had not been told of an overweight charge and had not agreed to pay an extra fee. If had known I would have disposed of the excess material by other means. The accountant told me to write a letter disputing the account. I wrote a letter. I received a bill with interest. I wrote another letter. I received another bill with interest. I called to question the account again. I was told that the bill was in error and that I had a zero balance. I was amazed. I had expected much less. I was planning to compromise on the price. Yet, by asking I received much more than I expected. In like manner, when we come to God asking for deliverance from our old account of sin, He does much more for us than we would ever hope. He doesn’t just relieve the guilt, or only forgive our sins. He adopts us into His family making us an heir.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News