
Posts Tagged ‘gift’

A Meditation of Gratitude

June 8th, 2012 No comments

 Christmas gifts, birthday gifts and gifts of appreciation warm our hearts. When we receive gifts we know that it really IS the thought that counts. Yes, some do give out of obligation, but it is because of the gifts of love and remembrance that our hearts enlarge with the desire to say, “Thanks.”

How do you adequately express gratitude? I am not sure. I continually feel that I fall short when I try to tell people how much their prayers, their moral support, their encouragement, and their help means to me. Often the gifts that are wrapped only with love carry much more meaning than those that are hidden behind ribbons, wrapping paper and bows.

I never will forget the telephone conversation with my four-year-old grandson. He excitedly told me about preschool. He counted, sang the ABC song, quoted Psalm 23, and then began to sing song after song. It was sweet music to my ears. One song that I especially liked, however, has been rebounding against the walls of my memory. He sang in his childlike voice, “God is good, God is good, God is “berry,” “berry,” berry,” “berry” good. God is Good” etc. Those few moments on the phone where a gift I will treasure forever.

I can’t say it any better. Because God is “berry,” “berry” good I can say thanks. He is the great gift giver. He set the pattern. To Him I owe the ultimate word of thanks. Because of Him I enjoy family, friends and the bounty of life. He is “berry,” “berry”, “berry”, “berry” good. Since every good and perfect gift comes from Him, every time I say thanks in life I am actually lifting words of gratitude to my Lord.

by Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

The Best Cleanser

January 6th, 2012 No comments

Romans 5:12-21 (16)

[16] And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

One company advertizes, “Why not clean just once and not have to clean again for awhile?  Wouldn’t that be much better?  Now, you clean it once with Power Green Cleaning products then you use our sealers and forget.  It will stay for clean for years.  All you will have to do is wipe it off.”  This is a weak comparison to what Paul described in Romans 5.  Adam’s sin stained the whole human race but God’s cleansing grace was greater.  Jesus on the cross provided salvation that was able to undo Eden’s tragedy.

Julia Harriet Johnston described this beautifully when she wrote:

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured,
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilled.

Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold,
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross.

Dark is the stain that we cannot hide.
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! There is flowing a crimson tide,
Brighter than snow you may be today.          

Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News