Think Big – My God is Big. Why should I think small?
Look Far – My God doesn’t react to circumstances. He is into planning eternities.
Expect Much – My God likes to give largely to His people.
Average is Unacceptable – My example is God. When He does something it is always good.
Status Quo is Bad – My God is a God who Acts. He is never idle.
Provision often indicates Divine purpose – When God provides He has a purpose. My God takes care of His work. Normally He takes care of His work by using His people to gain glory for Himself.
By Dr. Gayle Woods
Romans 13:1-5 (3) … “Do that which is good…”
Maybe you have heard the old expression? “You can drag a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Yes, and the same holds true for good works. God commands that we do good works but it is only those who love Him who will obey.
The fact hold true, however, we are commanded to do good works. This implies a number of things. God sees a real necessity in doing good works. Good works are for a divine purpose. Whether good works are received or not is not what is of importance… our obedience is what is at stake. We do not have a choice in whether to do good works or not. Finally, there are needy benefactors.
If this is the case then what must we do. First, there should be no need for coercion if you truly love God. Second, there should be no question about your obedience to His command if He is first in your life.
When God commands you to do good works and then you do them under protest or from the wrong motivation then they become as filthy rags in His sight. Works are not what is the focus of importance but love which results in obedience.
Dr. Gayle Woods